Koekenbakkercompetitie 2023
Pupillen - Otto Visser
Site Huize Lydia Start date 9-5-2023
City Amsterdam End date 11-7-2023
Country Netherlands Pairing system Keizer
Organization Jong Caissa Arbiters Debby Nieberg

Otto Visser
Rating 250
Nr. White Black Result
1 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
2 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
3 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
4 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
5 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
6 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
7 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
8 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
9 Otto Visser   Abs with msg
10 Otto Visser   Abs with msg

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